Rajkumar Rao and Janhvi Kapoor’s movie Mr & Mrs. Mahi has now spent 9 days in the theaters and earned very decently at the box office mint ₹25.67 Crore. The film earned so well at the box office, Day 8 collection was ₹ 1.22 Cr.
The one-week box office collection report is also here, In the opening weekened the movie earned ₹ 24.45 Cr. The movie started well in the first three days, but after that movie saw a big dip at the box office.
Talking about the last day’s box office collection, On Day 8 its ₹ 1.22 Cr, On Day 7, ₹ 1.75 Cr, and on Day 6 its ₹ 1.85 Cr.
Mr & Mrs Mahi Box Office Collection Day 9
Day | Box Office Collection |
Day 1 Friday (31st May 2024) | ₹7.50 Crore |
Day 2 (1st Saturday) | ₹ 4.50 Cr |
Day 3 (1st Sunday) |
₹ 5.5 Cr |
Day 4 | ₹ 2.15 Cr |
Day 5 | ₹ 1.85 Cr |
Day 6 | ₹ 1.78 Cr |
Day 7 | ₹ 1.75 Cr |
Total Week 1 Collection | ₹ 24.45 Crore |
Day 8 | ₹ 1.22 Cr |
Day 9 | ₹ Cr |
Total | ₹ 25.67 Crore |
#MrAndMrsMahi is super-steady on Day 6… With no *major* film/s arriving this Friday, #MrAndMrsMahi has a strong chance of posting a good score in Weekend 2.
[Week 1] Fri 6.85 cr, Sat 4.65 cr, Sun 5.62 cr, Mon 2.21 cr, Tue 1.86 cr, Wed 1.90 cr. Total: ₹ 23.09 cr. #India biz.… pic.twitter.com/KtgBBiCR5c
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) June 6, 2024
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