Aho Vikramaarka is an Indian-Telugu language action-drama movie released in theaters on 30th August 2024. The movie is available to watch in five languages including Hindi. After the theater release, Aho Vikramaarka had a slow start at the box office earning ₹ 0.49 Cr India net in all languages.
The budget of the movie is also very high but not disclosed by the filmmakers. The movie stars Dev Gill, Chitra Shukla, Tejaswini Pandit, Posani Krishna Murali, and Pravin Tarde in the main lead roles.
Aho Vikramaarka Movie Box Office Collection All Langauge
On 30t August 2024, a movie released in the theaters earned ₹ 0.49 Cr on Day 1. In the Telegu language, the movie earned ₹ 0.05 Crore on Day 1 and ₹ 0.19 Crore on Day 2.
In Hindi langauge, the movie earned ₹ 0.10 Crore in two days. As per reports, the movie struggling to earn crores at the box office.
Day | Box Office Collection |
Day 1 | ₹ 0.20 Crore |
Day 2 | ₹ 0.21 Crore |
Total Collection | ₹ 0.41 Crore |
Worldwide | ₹0.55 Crore |
Aho Vikramaarka Movie Budget
The movie production budget is around Rs. 50 Crores which released in five langauges. There is no big name in the star cast, so there will be huge chances that the production budget of the movie is low.
Cast & Release Date
- Dev Gill
- Chitra Shukla
- Tejaswini Pandit
- Posani Krishna Murali
- Pravin Tarde
- Sayaji Shinde
After its theater release, the film got lots of positive reviews from the critics and audience but unable make crores at the Box office.
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